I actually think that this might work to discourage young smokers.
And also for todays musing to be in the festive mood (nope not christmas but final exams) study tips from The Week magazine
1) Forget regular study places - Research shows that students who change study locations improve memory
2)Don't stick to one subject - Studying a variety of topics leaves a deeper impression on the brain (says the researches)
3)You have to forget something before you learn it - Because when you re learn it it will stay longer and better
4) More test - =( it speaks for itself
5) Don't drink coffee while studying — unless you plan to drink it before the test. Research shows that you'll have better recall if the exam situation is as close to your study enviroment. I.e high on caffiene while studying and high on caffiene while testing
6. Don't facebook - LOL this applies to almost everyone i know. But FYI statistics show that non face book users has an average of 3.85 GPA and facebookers 3.08
To any SPM, Year End exam takes or anything else Good luck! And remember there is only time to rest on the other side of the grave not here ;p
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